Monday, February 9, 2009

{ Eisley at 6 Months! }

Eisley is 6 months old now! These means we can start her on solids, according to her Dr. Heble. So far she's had bananas and carrots, and loved them both. She eats like a pro. The doctor said she looks great, and growth is right on track, she still hovers around the 25th percentile in all areas.

It's really hard to believe she's already halfway to her first year. I didn't feel like she's changed much, until a couple days ago when I looked at her newborn pictures. I was shocked to see how far she has come.
Here are her 6 month stats:

Height: 26 inches
Weight: 13 lbs 14 oz
Hair: about 3 inches long on top and just coming in on the sides and back
New Tricks: sitting in a shopping cart like a big girl, holding herself up on "all fours" when put on her tummy, pulled herself to a standing position a couple times, sits up without support 50% of the time, and screeches like an owl with her recently discovered loud voice
Favorite Activity: peek-a-boo
Favorite Food: banana baby food, as of last night, which gets gobbled up quite quickly. Her diapers are now more colorful...
Recently Mastered Skill: getting pacifier from resting state on surface to her mouth in the correct sucking position without any help from mom or dad
Most Heard Statement From Strangers: "She's so expressive!"


  1. Aww Eisley! Stop growing!

    25th percentile! Do they make you feel like an unfit mother because your child isn't overweight? That's what they did to me with Ayla.

    Finally I found a German doctor. Don't ask why, but that seemed to solve the problem.

  2. Awwww 6 months! How fast that went by! Cute pictures. Baby is really becoming on your skin :]

  3. Welcome to the wonderful world of food, Eisley!!! What a doll-baby!
