Are these not the cutest darn socks you've ever seen for a baby? They're called Trumpette's and they're pricey! I recieved a set of 5 pairs - all different colors - for a baby shower gift, and these puppies go for about $25 a pack of 5! But I tried them on Eisley the other day and they're the only socks that stay on her! I didn't think they'd even fit her yet but I tried them on her at a whim, wondering when they *would* fit... kinda bittersweet that they already do!
I was delightfully surprised at how they stay on so well, and by golly - they're just TOO DARN CUTE! (Although the black tips gave her some nasty black toe jam, lol!)
Isn't my baby girl beautiful?
These are such cute socks!! I love the faux shoes -- and the pictures alone are totally worth the pricey socks :)