Wednesday, March 25, 2009

{ While Daddy Was Home }

Eisley's daddy is heading back to work. He got a job. A wonderful job. The first job I've ever had zero reservations about. Hooray! Prayers were answered, it would seem. {If you don't pray about struggles in your life, I have to recommend it. It's very powerful.} Turns out Justin getting laid off a couple weeks ago was one of the best things to happen to us in a while.

Three interviews and one "everyone liked you, so lets meet Wednesday to have a little talk" {about an hour and a half ago}, combined with a fantastic industry referral {networking, networking, networking people!} and the blessing that Justin just happened to be "fully qualified" - and he got a job with a company where an employee of 15 years told him to "fight hard" for this job because it's "a great company to work for." When an employee of 15 years is still that happy about his employer... well, that says something, in my opinion.

We're feeling very blessed right now. Pardon my bragging. I'm just excited. And proud of Eisley's daddy.

But also a little bummed. Justin not working means lots of quality family time was had. Allow me to enlighten you via photo montage {my signature blogging} that I like to call:

While Daddy Was Home

We napped together

We mastered the art of eating finger foods

We ate yummy family breakfasts togetherWe prank called people
We took our first "big girl bath" {which to a 7 month old means a bath that is not in a sink}
We helped out with the laundry

We took trips to the park
More fun times will be had though, even though this daddy is going back to work. And mommy will be here, blogging all the way.

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS, Justin!!!!! As always, we are so proud of you!!!
